Since 1952
Mansion of the Way
19 acres / 44+ buildings / 5,000 people served daily / completely free of charge
The Founders
Divaldo Franco and Nilson de Souza Pereira first met in 1945, at the typing school in Bahia, Brazil, where Divaldo was an instructor and Nilson enrolled as a student.
A lifelong friendship was born, a spiritual bond fostered by Spiritism, a science that studies the nature, origin, and destiny of Spirits and their connection with the corporeal world.

Today, the Mansion of the Way is a wonderful educational and assistance complex, with 44 buildings in addition to others under construction, where three thousand low-income children and youth receive daily assistance free of charge.
Several socio-educational activities have been implemented there:

Prenatal check-ups, layettes for newborn children

a day-care center

preschool, elementary and high schools

vocational courses in technology, ceramics, baking, embroidery, tapestry, and paper recycling

a medical center, a clinical analysis laboratory

fraternal spiritual assistance at the Spiritist Center

Auta de Souza Caravan (assistance to the elderly and invalid individuals with terminal and degenerative diseases)

Casa da Cordialidade (Cordiality Home - assistance to needy families)

Museums, libraries and much more.